Purchasing Directly from Third-Party Sellers vs. Fulfilled by Ivotia
- Purchasing Directly from Third-Party Sellers: If you purchased an item directly from a third-party seller (not marked as Fulfilled by Ivotia (IF)), the seller is responsible for delivering and handling the return process. In this case, you must contact the seller directly to process any returns or issues with the order. Ivotia cannot handle returns for these items.
- Fulfilled by Ivotia: Items marked as Fulfilled by Ivotia (IF) are still sold by thirdparty sellers, but Ivotia handles the fulfillment, shipping, and customer service for those items. For these items, Ivotia will assist with returns, exchanges, and other order-related concerns. We offer a 48-hour return guarantee for items Fulfilled by Ivotia (IF).
If you have a return for a third-party seller item, please reach out to the seller directly for further assistance.